かぎ針編み(Crochet)「かぎ針ケースとアフガン針ケース編みました Hook Carrying Case」

新しく買ったかぎ針やずっとケースがなかったアフガン針を入れるケースを可愛い小花模様で封筒型と巾着型の2種類作ってみました( *´艸`)前回ご紹介した小銭入れの編み方と同じなんですけど、編み目があんまり見えなかったのと、底部分を少し改良したかったので、もう一度動画にしてみました。

For the newly purchased crochet hook set and the Tunisian crochet hook set that had no case for a long time, I made two cases of envelope type and drawstring type with cute floret pattern (* '* `)
It is the same as the crochet method of the coin purse which was introduced last time, but I did it again because I could not see the stitches much and wanted to improve the bottom part a little.
The thread is crocheted with two strands to protect the tip of the crochet hook.
I knit it with the thread that I bought, so the color is a bit plain and not like me, but sometimes such an earth color is also good ♡